Saturday, April 28, 2012

In my own little corner of the world

College is so different! I mean, I know I was living on my own before, but my experience here in Idaho has already been radically different. I feel everything so deeply. I feel overwhelmed, but excited. Tired but eager. And I feel like my heart is all over the place. Lol.  I feel like everything is swirling around me, but I'm holding onto this little corner of myself. trying to hang onto who i am. I feel like I can't focus, there are so many people around, but i also feel so deeply alone. Like I'm by myself, in a crowded room. I'm drowning. almost. I miss people. The people I care about, that are all far away from me.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Quietly Slipping Away

I moved again! This time to Rexburg, ID. For school, this time. And honestly, this move may have actually been the hardest one yet. I miss my guys so badly; they were always there when I was feeling sad and alone. Technically, they still are, but its more like 5 hours away for comfort, versus the five seconds it took before. I am so grateful to have had them in my life. But now, I need to find myself in solitary, once again. I'm excited to be finally attending school, but i'm deathly afraid I won't find a job, or I won't be able to manage doing everything. And I feel so alone up here. I mean, there's daphne (woot!) and rachel snow (also, woot) but I feel like I haven't made a solid connection with anyone yet. I guess it just takes time. But I miss my friends. But I am so grateful for my dad. He's always been the greatest man in my life; always there when I need him. with a nice long lecture that is somehow comforting.