Wednesday, February 1, 2012

New Day, New Year, New Life

Everything is changing, and so far it seems for the better. I got my official promotion at Brick Oven. I am now joint manager with Brandon over the Delivery department in the Provo store. Once they've decided I'm settled enough, I'll take over completely. Also when they can actually afford to pay me. Yeah, thats exactly what they told me. But I like it so far. I like my day shifts, and I like making the schedule, and I like being da boss woman. I'm also waiting to hear back from my BYU applications; they should email me during the next few weeks. Let me tell ya, the anxiety is killing me!! I am praying like crazy to get in, and to find a way to afford it. But I really am excited, and I have a good feeling about this. Like, I'm doing the things that are right. Bekah is living up here in Provo with me; well, next door actually, but its good to have her here. Family is so very important. I miss Colorado though. The sun doesn't shine very much here in Provo; its always too cloudy. And its just cold. No snow, no real winter signs. Its just plain old cold. But hey, I have good friends, a good hot cocoa recipe, and a cozy little apartment. Therefore life is good. Oh! PS-- my roommate Cristina is having me be a bridesmaid in her wedding! I am one of two. Its quite flattering. :) But tonight we're starting tanning so that we can all be tan for her who'd have thought that i would ever fake bake? But tan I shall be. Love you all!