Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Fruit to Life Ratios

You know the saying "Life is just a bowl of cherries"? And how its supposed to be like how "Life is just peachy!" For the longest time I could not understand why the good life is related to a bunch of fruit. What is so appealing about a bowl of cherries anyway?! Thinking about it (and also eating a bag of cold cherries...) I got it. It clicked! There is very few things I enjoy more than biting into some fresh, cold fruit. The way the juice bursts in your mouth, but the flesh is firm and sweet. My mouth is watering just thinking about it. It is one of the most refreshing, enjoyable feelings in the world. The best treat, I think. But then, I really got to thinking. Life really is a bowl of cherries. And not just in a life is really good way. Life is totally like the bowl of cherries. Because, overall its pretty good. Its a good thing. But when you are sitting there eating those cherries, you encounter some that are not so good. Some are so marred and gross looking, you don't want to touch them with a ten-foot pole. You either eat around them, until they are all that's left, or man-up and pick them out as you go. We have moments like that. Fears or experiences that are so awful we don't want to address them. And we can either face them as we go, and never have to deal with them again, or we can try to eat around them, but they always get in the way, staring us in the face until they are all we have left. Or there are some that used to be good. But over time, they become bitter and sour, and we realize they weren't as great as we thought they would be. Or ones that look perfect from the outside, but when you bite in, its a little bit rotten. But the majority? They are perfectly juicy, firm, and delicious. You savor each bite and long for more just like it. That's life. Mostly good, but with some bad spots, that we can either deal with, and enjoy the sweet parts, or let the bitter parts overwhelm our sweet parts.

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